Thursday, September 30, 2010

Games Worldwide

Children's Games from Around the World
Children's Games from Around the World
Around the world, children have one thing in common. They love to play games. Discover how children from Venezuela, Mexico, Korea, China, Germany, and many other countries play different versions of the same traditional games such as jump rope, marbles, tag, top spinning, hopscotch, jacks, card games.
View pictures of international students from Brazil, China, Colombia, Korea, Mexico, and Taiwan, Thailand, and Venezuela demonstrating how they played games when they were children.

Games For Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Games For Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Guiding and Scouting games help girls learn something associated with Guiding and/or Scouting. International Games are from other WAGGGS member countries other than the USA and Canada. These are games that have been contributed by Guiders and Scouters. Many of them have come from the Guiding/Scouting List and the WAGGGS-L list.

Playground games from around the World
Playground games from around the World
Our work on playground games has become famous. We have been in the Guardian Newspaper, on Radio 4, Radio Wales, S4C and BBC1 television
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